A Billion More Reasons to Ditch Alex Jones and Tucker Carlson

Russ Linton
4 min readOct 13, 2022
How many more will it take?

Our power to control our virtual lives has so far been an illusion. Algorithms and apps promise automated customization. Built under the assumption they’re smarter than their users, and more in tune with their user’s beliefs, they presumably provide the very thing you need at the exact moment you need it.

And for a long time now, what they’re certain their users need is to be locked in an echo chamber, fed only a stale diet of confirmation.

At some point in our modern lives, media made the leap from background noise to all-consuming propaganda. It is no coincidence this shift coincides with the rise of social media giants. The allure of a hands-free information spigot that even promises that you too can be a star.

Shock jocks and fringe commentators used to fill this void. They had your undivided attention during your daily commute. Or when you flicked on the regularly scheduled programming. Then you’d take a break. Life would happen. Actually important things demanding your attention.

Enter the smartphone.

Those so-called pundits suddenly gained unfettered access to your every waking moment. Could direct the mighty algorithms to seek out new likes, and new subscribers mercilessly. Their content made available in perpetuity, at all hours…



Russ Linton

Nomad, science fiction author, former cryptocurrency miner, trailblazer. Find out more at https://www.russlinton.com