Social Media Giants and Their Hidden Cryptocurrency Agenda

Russ Linton
5 min readJun 10, 2018
Security? Is that the real problem…

My Twitter account has collected more dust than a cargo crate mounted AntMiner in a sandstorm. But a recent poll from Hacker Noon caught my eye as I sifted through notifications:

Of the 7745 people responding, the majority felt security was the biggest barrier to cryptocurrency. Security? Really? I lifted my response straight from my previous article, “Only Criminals Use Bitcoin…”:

A properly managed blockchain is infinitely more secure than our current method of warehousing the personal, sensitive data of hundreds of millions of users behind numerous single points of failure.

How many companies have your credit card details? Your financial information? Your banking and investment account numbers? And how have they secured them? They’re generally stuffed into a database…



Russ Linton

Nomad, science fiction author, former cryptocurrency miner, trailblazer. Find out more at