Want to save our Democracy this November? Uninstall Facebook.

Russ Linton
6 min readSep 16, 2020
Image courtesy of pixy.org via CC0 Public Domain.

As of 2018, roughly 7.5 billion souls made up the entirety of the global population. Facebook’s suite of apps boasts nearly 3 billion users. If you ever need to find another human being, Facebook, Messenger, or Instagram are your best bet.

And if you ever need to know anything about anyone, the answer remains the same.

Facebook, Messenger, and Instagram alongside the rest of social media constitute a surveillance and data collection effort the likes of which the world has never seen. Data has become the true currency of our age. But a handful of companies exploiting and hoarding this precious resource creates an unparalleled attack vector for more nefarious purposes.

Only recently have users learned the true cost of these social engagement platforms. Attempts to monetize “free” and live up to shareholder expectations involve charging access to a plug and play propaganda system built on their extensive surveillance efforts.

Take Facebook’s ad system. In the early days, a business could laser focus their marketing efforts all the way down to identifying individuals based on activity on and off the social media platform. Since then, steps have supposedly been taken to anonymize that data. The collection system, however, remains in place.



Russ Linton

Nomad, science fiction author, former cryptocurrency miner, trailblazer. Find out more at https://www.russlinton.com